United Way’s Education Initiatives

A school board president, Jeff Pesek supports education inside and outside of his school district. In particular, Jeff Pesek is an advocate of United Way.

With a history dating back to 1887, United Way has grown from humble beginnings to become a notable organization that promotes healthy living, financial stability, and advancement in education. In particular, United Way is especially committed to reducing the number of high school dropouts, which stands at 1.2 million students every year as of 2008.

A major component of the organization’s 10-year initiative, education provides valuable knowledge and resources that help young adults achieve personal and career goals past high school. Understanding that high school dropouts are made over the course of time, United Way is focusing its education goals on reforming strategies and approaches from early childhood. This includes building supportive communities, involving families, and building effective schools and curriculums.

To learn more about United Way’s educational goals, visit www.unitedway.org.